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GENESIS Logistics: The first “Great Place to Work®” company in the Industry.

‘Great Place to Work’ has announced another successful certification, this time in the Logistics sector. Genesis Logistics is now included in the ever-growing family of Great Place to Work and is included in the ‘Cyprus’ Best Workplaces List of 2022’. General Manager of ‘Great Place to Work’, Kyriacos Iacovides stated:
“It is known that the Logistics sector has now been established as a strategic pillar for the wider business. We are happy to welcome Genesis Logistics to our family. Based on our Trust Index research, this is a dynamic team that managed to build a positive work environment.”
The company also implemented practices to ensure corporate social responsibility, which also contributes to the creation of productive work culture. Mr. Iacovides continued “when a company, regardless of its size, puts effort in offering to the wider community enhances the pride of employees and adds value to the mission and purpose of the organization. Employees become emotionally connected not only with the company’s business goals but also with its contribution to society”.
On behalf of Genesis Logistics, CEO Mr. Stefanos Stefani, stated: “We have made our way of life to always operate according to international standards ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 certifications which are renewed every year. We are very proud of our recent certification as a ‘Great Place to Work’.
Being evaluated by our staff with a very high score, despite the adverse conditions of the past 2-year pandemic, gives extra value and honor to this certification. As an organization, we emphasize human honesty and a sincere approach to all members of our team, regardless of the position aiming to create a fair working environment that promotes equal opportunities and social values.

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